Cycling Again

Bike riding self-portrait. Don’t try this at home folks, the wonder of my little Canon Ixus 100 is that I can keep it in my cycling top pockets. I couldn’t resist whipping it out and pointing it at myself while riding. I swung into a long layby for this one knowing that while I was still moving fast at least I was off the road briefly. Took the next one instantly afterwards, power off, pocket camera, check behind and rejoin road. My polarising lenses on my cycling glasses seem to have had an amazing effect. Overexposing in software reveals underexposed eyes that you can “fix” if you sacrifice detail elsewhere. It’s a fun effect and a genuine view of me indulging in some all-too-rare exercise.


And this is the view that cyclists know all too well, 4 hours of looking at this, I think it’s time I shaved them? Don’t you:-)


The little Ixus is really versatile, very basic but tiny and so versatile.


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