My friend Anne is gifted with a sense of style and self confidence that really impresses me. Anne loves portraits, and so it has come up in conversation as a possible thing to do for a long time; you can imagine my excitement when we finally decided we should do a portrait rather than vaguely talking about it. We got together last night to do the portraits and eat, but eating was entirely conditional on the photographs being “in the can” first. (Thanks for dinner Anne).
Truthfully this was just a set-up shot to get the lighting and the composition right, but as so often happens I kept coming back to it is the most relaxed and compelling picture of this set. So often when your subject “knows” you aren’t really doing the picture for real, you get great results; it’s not a ploy I would deliberately use though.
Anne has a black cat! I’m just saying…
The previous shot is really unusual for me, more “set-up” and formal than I have specialised in, so a quick return to a handheld, simple close up was inevitable. Anne’s hair frames her face beautifully from this angle.
Handheld again, I couldn’t resist the mirror. I love this composition because Anne looks confident and happy in the real image, but sad in the reflection. (ISO 1000 here as the light faded)
And finally another handheld shot at ISO 1600. Anne has this great clock and I really wanted to use it in a simple composition that reflected the slightly fantastic and surreal quality that Anne seems to me to possess. Think Alice through the looking glass? Bet you can’t guess when the picture was taken. I was really hungry! Anne has a few beautiful photographs on her walls at home. My self imposed challenge was to produce a picture that Anne will be happy to have in print on her wall. What do you think folks, will one of these meet the standard required? Wish me luck:-)