I was at the Winnock Hotel last Saturday to hear my new acquaintances, The Viper Parade play. It was a cramped pub gig, with the usual poor lighting conditions, and the usual pile of amplifiers and speakers in the way of the best shots. Out of consideration to the good folk of Drymen, who were enjoying a great gig, I confined myself to 5 minutes of snaps with my 28 mm f1.8 prime and 50mm f1.4. These were all between 1000 and 2500 ISO. Regular viewers of my blog might notice that the Vipers had a new bassist, standing in for an injured “Refugee”. I thought I’d start the post with the new boy:-)
And once again the front man, Mike Ritchie.
Yet another of the lead guitarist, Cisco.
The endlessly cheerful, metronomic madman known as “Breeks”
Just one shot to show the band all together. Good gig guys, I thoroughly enjoyed it!