Alison Kennedy, taken in the Argyll Hotel a few years ago!
Saturday, 6th November, 10 am till 4 pm.
I’ll be running a portrait workshop in the beautiful town of Inveraray in Argyll on Saturday the 6th of November. I plan to make it a very active day with some challenges and a little input on what makes good portraiture?
In the spirit of my old 100-portraits blog, the day will contain equal amounts of technical ideas and ideas for working with people. If you want to spend a day developing your skills snapping friends or other subjects then this might be for you.
There will be no charge for the event, as I am trying out the format for the first time. It is understood that if you attend, as the Argyll Hotel is supplying the premises from goodwill only that we all buy lunch there. The Argyll is a very friendly place, and anyone who wants to stay over and make a weekend of it, exploring Argyll’s landscapes will get a great deal from them. Photographic location advice for landscape enthusiasts will be available from local photographer, Richard, who works at the Argyll Hotel.
The workshop will be on a “bring your own camera and laptop with your usual editing software” basis. I can help out with a few people, but you will have to email me in advance.
Places will be limited to ensure really good interaction and learning from each other. Please email me by Friday 22nd October if you would like to join me.