This is my friend Fi. She has an amazing daughter, to-die-for-dog, and a pretty cool husband. Just for a change, while we were out walking I thought it would be nice to concentrate on photographing Fi. There was a little glade with a steep hillside, and some mysterious low, soft light hitting it from what was left of a low winter sun. Our friend James, helped with my remote flash by handholding it through a diffusing umbrella.
I like the depth that the receding hillside gives along with the downward angle.
Poor Fi didn’t really want a close picture, but I think she looks amazing in this one.
But I have saved my favourite one till last. Fi has a stunning profile and a strong, beautiful face, and I think this picture shows this perfectly. I jokingly called this one her “posh newscaster picture”; actually now that I have looked at it for a while, I think that was just about right as a comment. BBC or channel 5 though?
Just for a change, as a few of us were out walking, there was a picture of me taking the pictures, with James kindly helping. If you search the blog, you’ll find two portraits of James that I have previously done.
Final Picture by a friend.