My friend and colleague Don and I were working on Bute recently. Although we had an intense time actually earning a living, we eventually managed to reward ourselves with a drive around what is a really amazing and under-visited island. This is Ettrick Bay, and the vague, looming landscape in the background is the isle of Arran in the Firth of Clyde. Don maintained that I tricked him into allowing a portrait, under pretence of simply stepping out of the car to enjoy the air. The slurry spreader working in an adjacent field gave lie to that fig-leaf instantly and I had to come clean and produce my camera. Anyway, a striking man I’m sure you’ll agree and great company.
Oh, and it’s that lens again. I wonder what the Sigma 30 1.4 is like. Would I like it as much as this trusty 28 f1.8. It is smaller, I wonder…..