Well, the day of Phil and Harvie’s wedding finally dawned last week, and for much of the morning the weather hung in the balance between dry and rainy. This photograph of Stonefield Castle Hotel where the wedding was being held gives you a clue as to the weather conditions that prevailed; yes it rained all throughout the day!
However, a wedding isn’t all about outdoor photos, it’s about bringing people together, and this is the wedding room that the day centred around.
Come 3pm with the skirl of the pipes wafting through the hotel, Harvie awaits his bride supported by his close supporters and best man.
I’m no expert, but this guy sounded seriously good.
Meanwhile Phil, was getting ready with the help of her sister and bridesmaid Gerry. I love her hair and the detail of her dress in this one.
Gerry looking beautiful in her amazing complementary dress with the same features as the bride’s.
These two dresses are so perfect together. (Actually the sisters kind of match too).
Phil’s support was made complete by her son Frank. I love the obvious pride and affection in this one.
With only minutes to go till the happy event, Harvie and best man Ian are relaxed and looking great.
But the bride’s arrival showed everyone just what looking great is all about. Phil looked radiant as she arrived in the wedding room.
Harvie’s facial expression says that he knows just how gorgeous Phil is…
And finally, in front of their friends and family, the registrar helps them to make their pledges.
Happily married, and celebrating it with a kiss. let me tell you this was a crowd pleasing moment and those in the room with cameras were delighted by it’s length:-)
I commented before on how much in love Phil and Harvie are. This picture just shows again how they can hardly stop themselves from looking delighted when they are together.
However, joy is only complete when it’s shared, and that’s what good friends are for.
And family of course.
Talking of family, here’s one of Phil’s son Frank and his partner Pamela taken while we were doing the formals at Phil’s request.
And one of Harvie’s daughter Natalie with Gavin and granddaughter Rebecca

The rain limited our outdoor photography options, but this chair provided some interesting indoor ones.
And here is Gerald with Gerry and Phil.
This one is a wedding cliché of course, but it takes nothing away from the fact that Phil and Harvie are an amazing couple and their closeness is what you see, and the cliché’s don’t distract at all.
Technically this one isn’t pin sharp, but was a telephoto shot of Phil and Harvie walking in for their reception meal behind their piper. I see this as such a happy and joyful image capturing a wonderful moment in their special day. Look at the smiles to see how brilliant an arrival this was.
After the long walk to the top-table, we finally have our happy bride presiding. Harvie is just standing to speak behind her here.
And here he is delivering that speech, telling of their romance, while still making us laugh and smile. I love the green curtains against Harvie’s blue tie.
Of course the main attraction is always the best man’s speech. Ian delivered just the right balance and had the whole room eating out of his hand.
All this joy is about family, and what symbolises that better than the only baby present, Harvie’s beautiful granddaughter.
After the wonderful meal, the first dance is the perfect way to start the evening. The couple are as lost in one another in dance as they are in everything that brings them close.



The photos are lovely of the wedding I am sure they will be delighted with them you really did the truly well.
Cathie Elaines mum of course
I think you can you describe yourself as a wedding photographer……your portrait skills have worked hugely in your favour……superb. Didn’t read the caption and forgot it was Stonefield until I say the shot on the staircase.
Absolutely stunning Matthew!! You can be truly very very proud of these, I am sure the lucky,lovely couple will be thrilled with them…I think you can think about a change of career now!! I love all of these images, a HUGE well done!!
These are remarkable, M. They are very natural and you have captured everyone beautifully. I think it reveals sth of the relationship you managed to establish with everyone too. Don’t underestimate how much of a gift that is.