Category Archives: Canon 5d MK2


As you may now have noticed, I have made an entry to my photoblog every day of January so far. (Starting work at first light and driving home in the dark has meant, indoor shots, processing of old shots, or reflective writing). When it snowed big fluffy flakes last night I took my 5D and...


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Helen MacKinven

I had so much fun today photographing Helen. Helen is a writer and will be published this year, hence her mind turning to some up-to-date shots for her publisher to use. (That sounds so cool!). I was delighted that she trusted me to have a go and I am so pleased with the results. Helen...


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Yet another from HB’s birthday party last weekend. HB has 3 particular little friends from her nursery, and Maya makes up the trio of friends. She is the sweetest little girl, and although I have talked about how nice it is to be greeted with their big smiles, Maya was the little angel who actually...


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Yet another from the very brief photo duties at Hannah’s birthday party last week. This lovely young lady is the daughter of some friends and Hannah always enjoys her company. This picture absolutely delights me; the colours are an explosion, but Charlotte still leaps out from the image almost entirely because of the very clear...


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Blowy Julie

Another from the weekend birthday celebrations. Julie kindly took two of the cherubs into a rather bizarre machine which purports to let you experience a “Hurricane” or some similar big wind! The cherubs were desperate for a go, coin inserted, wind starts, cherubs panic big style and exit stage left. Julie left behind perspex wondering...


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