Visionary child


I have long maintained that HB is to become an astronaut and save the world or some such heroic stuff. Today I got the clearest sign yet that she has the “right stuff”. Here she is addressing her attention to the moon, and I don’t think you have to try too hard to find a certain Brian Cox – cosmologist thing going down!

We were freezing to death on this beach, and my fingers were no longer working. This was a rushed shot with the pop up flash on my Canon 7D to fill her face a little with the strong low backlight. Her face was still a little dark, but with no fill-flash she was merely a silhouette. Getting focus was a nightmare too as her face was so strongly in shadow that the camera couldn’t achieve focus-lock. The Sigma 28 f1.8 is perhaps my favourite lens, but it is sloooooooooow in low light conditions to grab focus. Mercifully HB stood still for just long enough. A fun shot.


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