Tag Archives: Canon

Shopping trolleys – the way to travel!

This is my daughter HB. Today we were shopping, (walking 327 miles around Ikea’s human-livestock milking maze), and eventually she decided that a trolley was marginally better when combined with a rare chocolate-coin bribe than me breaking my back carrying her around as is her usual want! Anyway, this is all irrelevant except to explain...


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Take some chances Canon!

What in the world is Mr Canon playing at? 23% of the worlds interchangeable lens cameras according to Wikipedia are Compact System Cameras (CSC) with no SLR style swinging mirror box. Canon has one model available in this sector to me in the UK, the EOS M. This was available in October 2012, and has...


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Canon EOS 500D

Well as some of you have no doubt noticed, I have taken the plunge and bought a 500D. Why have I bought a camera that I already said on this blog wouldn’t interest me? Primarily because I wanted a spare camera that would be a little smaller than my 40D and so would be suitable...


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Canon 500D

So practically the next day after my previous post about Canon’s questionable “pixels before sensitivity” strategy they anounced the EOS 500D. This puppy replaces the current 450D as the decent amateur camera in the Canon line-up. The 450 had 12 MP and had decent reviews, but none of them raved about it’s low noise performance,...


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Canon losing their way

I noticed in this weeks photographic news that Nikon are selling well in the UK and the current recession is not affecting them; sales of the D90 and D700 DSLR’s are described by Nikon as “outstanding”. This doesn’t surprise me. If I was advising anyone who was buying into digital SLR’s at present which brand...


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