I wonder if anyone else out there has experienced the same corruption problems that I have had in my lightroom setup with DNG files. I have been using lightroom version 1 and now version 2 for about a year and a half. I have had 2 DSLR’s during this time, a canon 400D and now...
Hey, just curious if you found a remedy for this? I have a canon 40D and have just started experiencing this. I don’t convert to .dng, but I do import the Canon raw files into lightroom 2. The file will load into the library and then out of no where when I click it to review (or possibly compare it to another photo), half the photo shows the little boxes you have in your photo examples…only mine cover at least 25% of the file if not more. Any tips of how you remedied this would be great (my email is in the post for you! THanks, Brent
No joy I’m afraid. I don’t believe it was a card reader or hard disc issue. It happened only to dng files and started when the 1.4 update (I think from memory) came out and was instantly replaced due to a problem with it. I have had no problems since, but I am avoiding dng conversion now.