Tag Archives: Fintry

Mike Ritchie’s new workshop

Mike made both my acoustic guitars, and I consider him to be the best guitar maker ever; if you could hear my guitars you would understand that this is no exaggeration. This is Mike in his newly constructed workshop. Check this magnificent new entrance, Mike in the background playing my guitar. And a closer picture after...


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Mike Ritchie 2

Regular followers of my blog will recognise this striking man as Michael Ritchie, guitar maker. Mike made my acoustic guitar, and although it is as damn near perfect an instrument as I have ever played, it wasn’t made specifically for me. Mike is remedying that now, and so I had an opportunity to visit him...


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Mike Ritchie

This is Mike Ritchie. Mike is a Luthier (guitar maker if you must). This was taken yesterday in his workshop. Mike made my acoustic guitar 6 years ago and it is the most wonderful sounding guitar I have ever owned. Mike puts real passion and love into his guitars, and the results are really special....


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