If I could swear on this page I would, but you, gentile readers deserve better so I won’t. My 100portraits.net blog is drowning in automated spam. every day I have to clear out 5 0r so comments which are just a bunch of links and advertising phrases hung around a bland comment such as “I have added your feed to my reader”. I have started getting the same on matthewboyle.net, but I have been using anti-spam plugins and doing my best to combat the vandalism. As a result I have decided to move the previous “100 portraits site content to this “matthewboyle.net” site to leave me just one site to protect from the automated spambots. Step one tonight was to populate a “100 portraits” gallery on this site and to arrange it to be in the order of shooting and recommendation rather than the default alphabetical order by name. I’ll port the rest over the next week and then remove the 100 portraits site and redirect the old address to this site. I hope this won’t dissapoint anyone; all the content will still be here under the “100 portraits” page.
100 portraits gallery
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