Hannah-Banana at 67 days.

I have promised to post a picture or two of Hannah, and with her now being about 10 weeks I thought I should fulfil that promise. (Actually Julie reminded me).  Don’t judge my tardiness on this too harshly, Julie is a dab hand at capturing Hannah with her trusty Canon 500D and her 50mm f1.8 which she wields frequently.

Anyway, here’s Hannah revealing that one day she will be the first female bond villain; I suppose we better get a cat soon for her to practise on.

Here she is on the sofa waiting for mum to find an outfit that doesn’t render socks redundant.

Here she is in her favourite place, watching the world from the safety of Julie’s shoulder.

She’ll grow into this one too. She has, due to the kindness of our many friends, 349 outfits, and we managed to pick two that she needs to grow into. Hence her “do I look like XXL” grumpy expression. I love Julie in this one, she really is delighted with Hannah and her smile pretty much says it all.

Anyway, black background, natural light from one side, Canon 5D and my lovely 50mm f1.4.


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