Stuart and Jen preshoot

Apologies for the dry year on It’s a long story, but this last year, I became a high school headteacher/principal. I have been really enjoying the experience, and I am really committed to making a difference, but I haven’t by any means stopped taking photographs, I just haven’t found much time for blogging. A few weeks ago, I photographed a preshoot and then last weekend, a wedding for a really lovely couple; I felt that there had to be a bit of blogging to celebrate this wonderful event.

I have always been a believer in the importance of a preshoot, and so I met with Jen and Stuart at Kelvingrove park on a bright afternoon to get to know them, and for them to get used to me pointing a camera at them. I always think that the day of your wedding is the wrong day to meet your photographer who will be asking you to trust fairly personal instructions. I absolutely loved Jen and Stuart, who where just lovely and really interesting too. They where a little shy at first with the shoot, but in no time they where seeing the results and liking them, and so we became pretty comfortable together. Come the wedding day, it was so wonderful to be able to quickly find the shots together and for Jen and Stuart to relax and be themselves for the camera and me!

Talking of the camera, I have spent most of my time just enjoying my Olympus OMD 10 and so I thought, why bother grabbing my 5d mk2 and those big, heavy lenses? I just used my now beloved Olympus and two primes. The combination was tiny and very unthreatening, and wide open at f1.8, those primes look magical.

We started with a few just to get the settings right, as the very sunny day was a challenge for my offboard flash. The flash sync speed of 1/250th a second didn’t allow for wide open shooting, so I hedged my bets by doing some flash-into-the-sun stuff, and some without to get shallower depth-of-field. In the end I just picked the best of each. I may eventually have to get a few neutral density filters to allow lower speeds and wider apertures; honestly, this isn’t usually a Scottish photographer’s problem. This has been a good summer indeed!

Lightroom CC mobile has now included filters to emulate classic film styles as well as modern variants on them. The set is limited, but I love them. This vintage treatment really suits Stuart’s classic good looks.

Jen’s fairly-fifties themed outfit was also just screaming out for a vintage filter treatment too.

These stairs make a lovely backdrop.

I just love this one, again with a vintage filter treatment. Jen and Stuart were just so easy to work with. (It was almost as if they love each other). 🙂

I just love the cool “American Youth” vibe that is going on with this one; I was having fun with the processing.

Jen’s shoes were something to behold, and I felt that they needed their own wee picture to show them off.

The trouble with couples’ shoots is that it can all become a bit close and cuddly; capturing moments with physical space in-between them, but with the close relationship still evident can really add something.

I really like the blending of the yellow of Jen’s skirt with the green and yellow background grass here.

Just aww! I love these moments, and critically, doing them in a preshoot makes it so easy to get them in the actual wedding setting.

Just playing here, this kind of worked, and I believe Jen loves it.

Back to those stairs again.

And one more with a vintage treatment again.

And finally, reviewing the images on my ipad in a local cafe; this relaxed post-shoot image of Jen is just beautiful, and it shows how the tiny tiny tiny Olympus micro-four third system can produce big boy bokeh from a relatively inexpensive tiny prime lens, in this case the 45mm f1.8 wide open.

The wedding itself was beautiful and I’ll share it with you shortly.


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