Category Archives: Micro Four thirds

Jen and Stuart’s wedding

Well, preshoots always lead to wedding shoots, and here is my most recent one. The lovely Jen and Stuart got married in Glasgow university in a moving humanist service at the start of July. It all started as it so often does with a waiting groom and best man. In this case, the very handsome...


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Stuart and Jen preshoot

Apologies for the dry year on It’s a long story, but this last year, I became a high school headteacher/principal. I have been really enjoying the experience, and I am really committed to making a difference, but I haven’t by any means stopped taking photographs, I just haven’t found much time for blogging. A...


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This amazing man has been a minor inspiration to me for years. I have known John a little professionally for a decade or more, and I have always found him to be charismatic, charming and amazingly well dressed. I recall once meeting him in Glasgow in passing and he was wearing an amazing corduroy suit...


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Olympus OM-D E-M10 Mk2 Part 2

OK, so what is so special about this camera for me? Why am I so besotted? Let me start with size.  (From the brilliant This is a comparison between my Canon 7D and my  Olympus OM-D E-M10 Mk2. This gives a sense of how much smaller the Olympus is, but what it doesn’t tell,...


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