Tag Archives: arran

The obligatory foreground rocks

From Sunday; I had the pleasure of actually setting up my tripod and 7D with 17-85 zoom on. I had the further fun of using my Cokin grad ND filters to cope with the relatively bright sunset sky. I use a little Infra-Red remote to trigger the shutter (£5 from ebay and utterly reliable) and...


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My friend and colleague Don and I were working on Bute recently. Although we had an intense time actually earning a living, we eventually managed to reward ourselves with a drive around what is a really amazing and under-visited island. This is Ettrick Bay, and the vague, looming landscape in the background is the isle of Arran in...


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Clyde cycle

Arran and the Cumbraes from the Haylie Brae above Largs I have bought a new camera! Everyone I know has said to me ” how can you possibly need another camera”? My photographic friend Shirley understood perfectly well when I told her. She said in a burst of great wisdom, you can’t have too many...


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